"Creative Commons is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to making it easier for people to share and build upon the work of others, consistent with the rules of copyright. We provide free licenses and other legal tools to mark creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof."

We use the Attribution license and this license lets you distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon our work, even commercially, as long as you credit us, Akshara Foundation, the donor/funder of the content, and the original creators author, illustrator and translator, where applicable, for the original creation.

Attribution Terms

You must leave all copyright and Creative Commons notices placed there by us intact and reproduce them in a way that is reasonable to the medium in which you are republishing the work.
You must cite Akshara Foundation, the donor/funder, the original author, illustrator and translator author's name, where applicable. If you are publishing on the Internet, it is nice to link that name to the person's profile page, if such a page exists.

You must cite the work's title or name. If you are publishing on the Internet, it is nice to link the name or title directly to the original work.

You must cite the specific Creative Commons license the work is under.

If you are publishing on the Internet, it is nice if the license citation links to the license on the Creative Commons website.

If you are making a derivative work or adaptation, in addition to the above, you need to identify that your work is a derivative work i.e., "This is a Finnish translation of the [original work] by [author] [illustrator], published by [Akshara Foundation] and funded by [donor]." or "Screenplay based on [original work] by [author] [illustrator], published by [Akshara Foundation] and funded by [donor]."